Cycling Calorie & CO2 Calculator
Cycling to work helps you stay fit and healthy, burns a lot of calories, and reduces your carbon footprint too. Use the calculator below to find out how cycling could benefit your health and environmental impact.
Find out about the health and environmental benefits of cycling.
Cyclescheme can help you make savings that go beyond your pocket.
Tell us about your current commute and we will calculate how many calories you can burn as well as how much CO2 you could be saving the planet from - just by cycling to work instead!
Environmental benefits:
CO2 emissions saved per year:
Equivalent of:
4 trees
Health benefits:
Calories burned per week:
Equivalent of:
7 burgers
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how our Cycling Calorie and CO2 Calculator works.
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Cyclescheme is the UK's most popular cycle to work benefit, creating more cyclists than any other