Cycle to Work Calculator
Use our advanced calculator to see how much you could save on a new bike.
Search for your employer for personalised savings.
Find out how much you can save on the cycle to work scheme.
Cyclescheme savings can vary but the great news is that our calculator offers indicative savings forecasts.
Search for your employer to ensure accuracy.
Enter your details to see how much you could save.
That's not all you could save!
On top of your cycle to work savings, for a 3 mile daily commute it's estimated that you could also save around £100* each year on fuel - just by swapping your car for a bike!
Your salary sacrifice
But what will I save?
Ready to roll?
Shop nowThat's not all you could save!
On top of your cycle to work savings, for a 3 mile daily commute it's estimated that you could also save around £100* each year on fuel - just by swapping your car for a bike!